History of The Handel Lamp Company

This timeline will give you the basic need to know facts that might help you date your lamp, vase, or other Handel product.  Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more exact dating help.

1885 – The Handel Company forms as a partnership between Philip J Handel and Adolph Eydam

1890 – Handel opens a retail showroom in New York City

1893 – Philip Handel buys out Eydam’s share of the company, and beings operations as “Philip J Handel”

1898 – Name of the company is changed to “Handel & Company”

1902 – Privately owned foundry opens to produce Handel bases

1903 – The name is finally changed to “The Handel Company”

1904 – First Handel leaded lamps are produced

1906Teroma art glass line is introduced

1906Teroca metal overlay lamps are first produced

1906Line of metal products is launched

1910Pat # 979,664 first applied to lamps shades

1914 – Philip J Handel dies; his wife Fannie takes over operations

1919 – Philip’s cousin, William H Handel, takes over the company when Fannie steps down

1919Joseph Palme joins Handel staff

1925 – New York showroom closes

1936 – The Handel Company closes

1941 – The Handel Company officially dissolves

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